5349267-The-Rock-Snob-Dictionary-Nick-Drake“Nick Drake luchó contra la depresión y el insomnio durante su vida, hecho que se reflejó en sus letras”. Muchas veces, los genios se inspiran con factores externos, sin embargo Drake no, su mente compleja, imaginación y pensamientos eran su fuente de inspiración hasta quedar aislado, en soledad con sus líricas y su obra.

Nick Drake battled with depression and insomnia throughout his life, a fact that is reflected in his lyrics. ”Often, geniuses are inspired by external factors, however Drake, his complex mind, imagination and thoughts were his inspiration to become isolated, alone with his lyrics and his work.


Nick fue una de las figuras más importantes de la música, inspiró a muchos de los grandes y dejó un legado importante, sin embargo, pasó de puntillas en vida y fue reconocido tras su muerte.

Nick was one of the most important figures in music and inspired many of the greatest musicians and left an important legacy, however he tiptoed through life and was only recognized after his death.

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Grandes músicos del mundo lo destaparon como su fuente de inspiración y maestro, mitificando su legado. Ahora le escucho y siento la magia que transmite, la fuerza de su mensaje en letras y en notas musicales, y su manera distinta de afinar y puntear la guitarra con la que habla un lenguaje diferente, un dialecto que creyó que nadie comprendería jamás y no lo pudo resistir, poniendo fin a su vida.

Great musicians of the world uncovered him as their inspiration and teacher, mythologizing his legacy. Now I hear and feel the magic that transmits the force of his message in his words and musical notes – the distinct style to tune and tap the guitar to speak a different language, a dialect that he thought nobody would ever understand and because of this put an end to his life.