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¿Le has dicho alguna vez a tu madre que la quieres?

Have you ever told your mother that you love her?

Estuve cenando con un gran amigo la semana pasada. Le pregunté si le había dicho alguna vez a su madre que la quiere.

Me contestó que iba a verla cada día y esa era la forma que tenía de demostrárselo, que sólo le daba dos besos cuando se iba de viaje, que pensaba que tendría que dárselos cada día…

“Si algún día le pasara algo sabría lo mucho que siento por ella,  pero no le digo nunca que la quiero porque me cuesta. Es algo en lo que  pienso mucho y que llevo por dentro.”

Cada semana…

Para Catalina.

Berthe Morisot

I had dinner with a dear friend last week. I asked him if he had ever told his mother that he loves her.

He replied that he sees her every day and that this is his way of showing that he loves her, that he gives her two kisses when he goes on travels, yet knows he should give them every day.

“Sometimes I think that if one day anything were to happen to her, I would know that she knew what I felt for her. And yet I never say it because it’s so hard. It’s something that I think about, that I carry inside.”

Every week…

For Catalina


Fotos: Tokyo Story (1953, dirigida por Yasujirō Ozu), The Cradle (Berthe Morisot, 1872 Musée dÓrsay Paris), A Bar at the Folies-Bèrgere (Edouard Manet, Courtauld Gallery London)